Thursday, November 9, 2017

She keeps us laughing!

Me: You should learn to play Happy Birthday on the harmonica.
K: It doesn't come with that song.

Me: Did you wash your Barbie's hair with shampoo?
K: Yes, and conditioner. I wanted it to smell nice!!

K: Those white dandelions are older than the yellow ones. That's why they've turned white.

K, playing Barbie store: Welcome to my store! I used to work at another one, but then I opened up this Barbie store.
Me: Where did you work before?
K: At Walmart. 
Me: In the toy section?
K: No, in Home and Living.

K: Today I made a bunch of drawings for you and Daddy to buy with real money!!
Me: Oh? How much are you selling them for?
K: $1,000 for everything.

K: Was Walmart around when everything was black and white?
Me: It's been around a long time... but the whole world wasn't black and white.
K: Yes it was.
Me: No, that was just TV, but I see why it's confusing--
K: I'm not confused!! I'VE SEEN THE PICTURES. People, trees-- everything was black and white.

K, dramatically throwing her head back and wailing: WHY ME?????
Me: What?
K (suddenly calm): Ryan wants all of my goldfish.

K: Why do they call it the Golf of Mexico? Maybe because they play golf there?

K, watching The Sound of Music: Those nuns should really be more active.

Me: Haha, you should dress up like a nun for Halloween. That'd be funny.
K: No thanks, it's cold on Halloween.
Me: Exactly. The long robe and headdress would keep you warm.
K: Well, I like the fresh breeze!

K, playing eye doctor: I'm afraid you need glasses.
Me: What if it rains? My lenses will get all wet and I won't be able to see!
K (plainly): Then get an umbrella.

Dave: When I was little, I liked to watch Duck Tales, He-Man, GI-Joe, Rescue Rangers...
K: Wait, I thought you only had like 3 channels back then.

K: I just love my American Girl doll. Hey, her shoes were made in China!

K: What does 'fraternal' mean?
Me: Use it in a sentence.
K: Ok. What does 'fraternal' mean?

Me: You need to make sure that the back of your shirt doesn't get tucked into your leggings.
K: I don't know how to check that.
Me: You know, just look in the mirror and turn your head to the side.
K: But that man at the zoo said humans can't turn our heads all the way around.

K: Why can't we turn?
Me: Siri said to go straight.
K: Siri needs to learn her manners!

Me: I saw something on the news about flying cars happening in the future.
K: I don't believe that.
Me: Why not?
K: Because that's just a bunch of nonsense!!

K: If we eat sunflower seeds and drink water, will sunflowers grow in our bellies?
Me: No.
K: What if we add mud?

K, throwing a goldfish cracker out the window: Bye, little fishy! You had some good times.

Me (at the store): Oh! I left my wallet in the car! Good thing I remembered before we got inside and to the checkout. Then we would have to ask them to hold our groceries while we went to get my wallet---
K: Yeahhhhh, I don't think that would be appropriate, Mama.

K: I'm going... Can I... I may not be here for awhile!!!! (quickly runs off)

K (nervously riding her bike): MAYBE YOU SHOULD PRAY THAT I DON'T FALL!
Me: Ok. God, please help Katelyn not to fall.
K (after falling 20 min later): GOD BROKE HIS PROMISE!!!!!!!

K: I would like to go to a Foot Spa. Also, how old do I have to be to get a massage?
Me: Older than six.

K: Ryan, how old are you? One!
R: Two!
K: No, you're one.
R: Two!
K: No, we're not counting. Say one.
R: Two!

K: What's that statue?
Me: Jesus washing his disciple's feet. 
Me: It was also really kind. Remember, back then they walked everywhere in sandals, so their feet were probably really dirty. Jesus was doing a very nice thing.
K: It's still disgusting.

Friday, October 27, 2017

A bit about Ryan

Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. I need to catch up!

Oh, Ryan. Our grown man trapped in a little man's body! Ryan just seems to "get" life. He's observant, knows everybody's business, and is quick to say "uh oh" when something seems off, like a light left on or a door ajar. He's particular and likes things to be how he has observed they should be. And I know it sounds weird, but he seems so logical and responsible! When I take him upstairs for a bath, he insists on first climbing up on the stool to brush his teeth. When he's done, he taps his toothbrush on the sink, dries his hands, and goes to sit on the potty, making sure to flush when he's done-- all of this without being prompted. I sort of just stand there and wonder where this 19-month old man came from... I'm available if you need me, Ryan!

Right now he's into balls-- baseballs, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, ALL THE BALLS EVERYWHERE. We have a big bucket of balls in every shape, color, size, and type, but the bucket is almost always empty because he is throwing or kicking the balls around the house. He also loves being outside, steering wheels, Mickey Mouse, and watching "Wheels on the Bus" on the iPad. 

And what a little encourager! This kid loves to cheer for people. If a sports game is on TV, he cheers with the crowd. Big sis loves to sing and dance for us, and he is her biggest fan. And I don't just mean simple clapping. He cheers "YAAAAAAAY!" with his whole face and claps enthusiastically. It is all kinds of adorable and I'm going to be so sad when this phase is over. He also waves at ALL THE PEOPLE everywhere we go. Even sitting in the car at a red light, he waves to people in the cars next to us. 

These two really, truly love each other. Ryan calls Kateyn "Yay-yah" and they play so well together. She is so affectionate towards him, and even though he's not much of a cuddler, he doesn't seem to mind. Every morning Katelyn greets Ryan with a hug and kiss, and his eyes just twinkle. Love these two.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

She keeps us laughing!

K: I bet our church was the first one in this city.
Me: Hmm, maybe. I bet we could do some research to see the history of churches in this area.
K: OF COURSE it was ours. FIRST Baptist Church.

K: Taco Bueno. That means "taco good." That makes no sense. It should be Bueno Taco.

K: I'm making you a sunflower for Mother's Day!
Me: Don't tell me that! Let me be surprised!
K: Ok. (pause) Hey, guess what? The flower in my cup at school is growing!
Me: Cool! What kind of flower is it? Oh, wait... Don't answer that.

K (explaining nursery rhymes to me): So, this little piggy ate roast beef, but this little piggy had none. He was probably a vegetarian.

K: Can you bring me any book you want and I will read it to you? Any book. I support Curious George.

K, after a family member's funeral where she chose to sit quietly by herself: I'm starving! All I had to eat this whole time were those Tic Tacs in my purse! 
Me: Are you saying you ate a box of Tic Tacs during the funeral?
K: Yes, and we need to buy some more, that orange flavor is delicious!

K: I cried on the last day of school. Other kids were crying, so I figured I might as well.

Me: I need to eat, I'm starving.
K: You mean you're hangry?

K: What is New Mexico?
Me: It's a state, remember?
K: There's already a Mexico. Why would they build another one?

K: Are cars expensive?
Me: Yes! They can be $20,000 or more, sometimes less.
K: Whoa. I don't think ANYTHING should be that expensive. That's just wastin' all your money!

K: Ryan!!!! 1... 2... bad things happen on 3, Ryan.

K, to Ryan after playfully scaring Daddy: And THAT'S how you scare a man!!!

K, while playing ball with Ryan: I have a bad feeling about this.

K, in a whisper during church: My intestines hurt.

Nana, explaining The Brady Bunch: ...So a lady who had three girls married a man who had three boys. 
K: Why is it called The Brady Bunch?
Nana: That was their last name.
K: Oh. I thought the lady braided the girls' hair a lot.

4th of July

We had a good time celebrating the 4th of July... well, most of us. We learned three things about Ryan: 1) He hates fireworks; 2) He is freakishly strong; 3) He DOES NOT like boundaries or to be constrained. And that's the most detail I'll go into because there just aren't enough words and also I don't want to relive that experience again. :) 

But we had lots of fun with cousins and grandparents and splashing and playing outside! (Papa and Grandad, somehow I didn't get pictures with y'all! Sorry! We had fun with y'all, too!)

Ryan is angrily pushing Zoe because he wants her out of the car

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

She keeps us laughing!

K (very dramatically, after getting in trouble): I am just a little girl! I don't know all these things yet!

K: Fetch, Ryan! Go get the ball!

Dave, reading a fortune cookie: "Something unusual will happen at work or school this week." Oooo, I hope it's something good!
K: It might just be nonsense.

Me: You've been really good tonight. I'm impressed.
K: Yeah... I don't really like being good. It's too hard.
Me: Well, it gets a little easier the more you're good. It becomes second nature.
K (doubtful): Is that really true?

K, reading Green Eggs and Ham: "...Would you like them in a box?" No, the box would not hold me.

K, in response to Dave and Ryan being silly: Boys these days!

Me: Good morning! Time to wake up!
K (long pause, then in a tiny whisper): I'm trying.

Dave: What's the English word for Juan?
K: One!

K, to me: I bet you're going to be a good grandma someday.

K: I want to change out my pillowcases. I want to add some color to this area.

K: Daddy, if you want to help us set up for Ryan's party, I have no problem with that.

In the middle of a song at the daddy/daughter dance:
K: Ok, I'm ready to go.
Dave: The dance is almost over and they're drawing for door prizes in 3 minutes. Can we wait 3 minutes?
K: Daddy, look at all these people. We're not going to win!

K: My shoe fell off because I don't have my personal space.

K, glancing at the book A Small Book of Prayers: Oh, this is God's book.

Me: It would be nice if you thanked me for buying you shoes. Sometimes parents sacrifice for their kids.
K: What does sacrifice mean?
Me: To give something up.
K: Oh Mommy, you should never give up!

Dave: We're having the Lord's Supper today at church.
K: Are we going? I thought we were having dinner together.

K: Ryan doesn't have allergies. There are no red cracks in his eyes!

K: I've put on some mascara, eye shadow, and lip gloss. I also added lip gloss to my brows.

K, reading a book: "There was an old lady who swallowed a chick--"
Me: How did she swallow a chick?!
K: I don't know, this is a fiction book, Mommy.

Me: Ask Daddy to get you a mommy-approved amount of ice cream.
K: What?
Me: Ask Daddy to get you a mommy-approved amount of ice cream.
K (confused): I don't understand... I can't say that.... DADDY! Can you get me a medium bowl of ice cream??

Monday, March 20, 2017

One year old!

I try to avoid cliches, but seriously... where has the time gone?? The past 12 months have passed by faster than perhaps any other time that I can remember. Ryan is such a delight and the piece to my heart I didn't know was missing. It's hard to put into words how much I love this little boy! 

In one word, Ryan is enthusiastic-- full of energy and smiles and movement and expression. He is sweet and silly, messy and busy. He's pretty tough, too-- he had a double ear infection/croup and later the flu/strep and I had no idea because he never complained! He loves sleep, playing the piano, throwing balls, playing chase, brushing his teeth, and taking baths. He nods his head yes or no to specify what he wants and says "mama mama mama mama" about 60,000 times a day no matter who he's talking to. He loves his Daddy and playing with Katelyn is guaranteed to make him laugh.

Holding his sock while sucking his thumb is his comfort and he almost always carries a spare with him, just in case. The "missing sock" collection in this house is out of control!

Getting Ryan on board with eating table foods was slooooow. For a long time, putting bite-sized pieces of food in front of him to try just didn't work. For example, if I gave him a pancake, he had to pick up and examine ALL THE PIECES before he would consider eating a single one. We finally got there and he's great about eating table foods now... he just got there on Ryan Time. Favorites are shredded cheese, spaghetti, strawberries, waffles, and anything crunchy.

He took his first steps unassisted on his first birthday! But to get somewhere faster, he's constantly pushing the furniture around the house... even when someone is on it.

After his first haircut

Love, love, love this little boy!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

She keep us laughing!

K: Mommy, when you're not looking, I'm going to turn myself into an object.
Me: Ok, what object?
K: A piece of paper. Don't worry, I'll write "Katelyn" all over it.

K: You really should be on America's Funniest Videos, Ryan.

K: Kwik Kar starts with a K instead of a Q and that bothers me!
Me: It bothers me, too! But you just have to make your peace with it because that's the name they chose and it's not going to change.
K: Well, the building could burn down.

K (starting to color): Ok guys, are you ready for some quality?

K: I want to be everything when I grow up, except an astronaut, but I also don't want to be a fireman or policeman. I really just like ambulances. 

K (handing me an empty water bottle): Since you're a nice lady, would you throw this away for me?

K (forgetting the words to a song, so making up new "words"): Glhsboej, fjakuvek, zzuiedwad...
Me: Those aren't words! That's not even a language.
K: It's French.

K: I'm a bumblebee. And this bumblebee really knows how to party!

K: Do unicorns have curly hair?
Me: Sure, if you want! Of course, I've never seen one since they aren't real.
Me: Um, I thought you knew they were just pretend... didn't you ever wonder why we didn't see one at the zoo?

K: It's a hot mess out here!
Me: It's 34 degrees.
K: But the sun is shining! Let's go ride my bike!

K (after making paper snowflakes for 2 days straight): I definitely want to be a snowflake maker when I grow up.

K: I've decided the challenge for myself is to learn how to braid,
Me: That's cool! Where is this coming from? Did your teacher encourage you to think of a personal challenge?
K: No, this is my own challenge that I thought up.
Me: That's great! Do you want me to show you how to braid?
K: No thanks, this is MY challenge. I'll do it.

Me: Does Annabelle care that you call her "Anna"?
K: No, but she doesn't like it when I call her Snickerdoodle.

K: When Daddy was a police officer, did he fight bad guys?
Me: Yes.
K: Did he carry a sword?

K: I have the burps.

K: Can we do facials... with cucumbers?!?
Me: Sure, but that really sounds like Tia Christy's department...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ryan at 9 months

9 months old (ok, almost 10 months because I'm posting late)! It's hard to believe Ryan has been in the outside world for as long as he was inside of me! What fun he is! He's become very vocal... and with an extremely talkative big sis, it's sink or swim, buddy. He says Mama and Dada and makes it clear that whatever else he's "saying" is very important. Tonight before bed he told Dada "nigh nigh" and waved-- that caught us by surprise! And judging by how opinionated he's become, I have a feeling his ability to say "no" is coming soon...

He's really, REALLY active and will crawl over--not around--anything in his way. He pulls up on everything and finds a way to get where he wants to be. A few funny quirks:
  • He loves daddy's toes. Not sure why (they are just normal toes!), but he is completely fascinated by them.
  • If I'm holding him and open the refrigerator door, he practically leaps out of my arms for the egg carton. I guess he likes the texture because he would scratch it all day long if I let him.
  • He thinks Katelyn playing with a Slinky is hilarious.
  • He loves climbing on the bathroom stool... even if Katelyn is standing on it.
  • His highlight of each morning is watching me use my electric toothbrush. He watches so intently and then laughs and laughs.
  • Checking the mail is one of his favorite things and he kicks his legs in excitement when he realizes we're headed for the mailbox.
  • His favorite toy is an empty Tylenol bottle with just a rock in it. Shake, shake, shake!
  • He's FINALLY decided he likes to eat Gerber Puffs. I was starting to worry about fine motor skills because he had no interest in picking up small food. But now that half the container of Puffs is suddenly gone... I think we're good.

Katelyn has learned that she can pick him up and gently carry haul him around, and he thinks it's pretty funny.

We've taken full advantage of the fireplace in our new house, and he loves it as much as we do.

And, one of my favorite pictures ever: